Shipping Transaction Form - how to sort by Item Name?

Does anyone know how to sort the Shipping Transaction form either by Item Name or Item Description?

I have pickreleased with the autocreate delivery option set to Across Orders.  My delivery has about 150 content lines and many of the items appear more than once.  I am now trying to split this large delivery up into several smaller deliveries but I need to keep all the lines for a particular item on the same delivery.

The only way I can think of doing this is sorting the contents by Item Name or by Item Description but I can't seem to do this.  I have tried in vain playing with the column sequence and sort data options but I cannot get the item name to appear as one of the three sort columns.

I have tried to sort by weight and volume but these are multiplied out by the quantity requested.

I'm at a loss here.  Pls help.

First query the delivery in

First query the delivery in shipping transaction form and export all the data.

Next in  the excel find out all the unique item numbers

go back to shipping transaction form and query with a item number(item number1) and delivery number.

Unassign all the lines from the delivery and create a new delivery name for all these lines

repeat the above steps for all the lines

I hope it helps